Sunday 25 February 2018

Bristol Hippodrome

The Bristol Hippodrome

View of Bristol Hippodrome in the 1930s. The theatre was designed by Frank Matcham, and opened on 16 December 1912. An important feature of the theatre when it opened was a huge water tank at the front of the stage; which could be filled with 100,000 gallons (454,609.188 litres) of water. Along with the tank was a large protective glass screen which could be raised in order to protect the orchestra and those in the stalls. 

It also has a dome, which can be opened when necessary; however since air conditioning had been installed it is rarely opened. The theatre survived World War 2, however less than three years after it ended, a fire destroyed the stage — luckily the auditorium was saved. The theatre reopened about 10 months later, and there have been no other disasters as severe. 

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